How To Improve Poker Game

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  1. How To Improve Your Poker Game
  2. How To Improve My Poker Game
  3. How To Improve Your Poker Cash Game
  4. How To Improve My Poker Game

Reading poker articles, playing around with poker tools, and talking over hands with friends are a few of the many ways you can improve your game away from the table. Tip #8: Do you know definitively whether your river bet is a value bet or bluff? Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Be Consistent. Poker is a long-term game. You need time to build your bankroll and find the right cash game or poker tournament strategy that works for you.

by GutshotPosted on 01 Jun, 2020

Most of us are interested in improving our game as it is quickly becoming a necessity in order to survive in the current online environment. The following are 5 simple yet effective tips to improve your game. Set these in motion and we should start crushing in no time!

Tip 1 – Study the Game

Perhaps we are the kind of player who loves to play big volume, but takes out time to study the game and learn new theoretical concepts only once in a while.

The ideal balance won’t really be the same for everybody and will rely upon how rapidly we realize, how effectively we set new ideas in motion, and our general level of understanding is. If we are relatively new to the game of we should spend a large proportion of our time studying, ideally 50% or more. Once we have mastered the most critical, basic principles, we should often adopt a ratio which is closer to 80% volume and 20% study.

Tip 2 – Analyse your Own Game

Sometimes players spend a significant amount of time reading and watching content that others have produced, but don’t commit enough time to specific application of this content to their own personal game.


Actually more than 80% of players utilize tracking software like HM2 and PT4 simply as methods for logging hands and results. These are capable bits of programming and can possibly be far beyond just a results tracker. We can increase solid understanding into where we are losing cash and how we can improve.

Tip 3 – Bankroll Management

This can’t be exaggerated enough. Bankroll management is sufficient enough to make or break a poker player. It might be a smart idea to open a new text document at this stage and write down our exact plan for moving up and down limits. Remember that for cash games it’s recommended to have at least 25-buyins in our bankroll in order to play a certain limit.

Even if you are the best player in the world, variance will often leave you in a fix if you do not adhere to proper bankroll management. One potential problem is being under rolled. You don’t want to be over rolled either. According to studies, we maximise our chances of long-term success if we are aggressively trying to push forward and move up limits.

Tip 4 – Understand Computers

It is a simple fact that you require at least some level of proficiency with computers to be a successful poker player. We need to have a machine that can support the number of tables we like to play while running tracking software alongside any other scripts/utilities that we make use of.

We additionally require enough know-how to abstain from succumbing to traps, for example, scams and viruses. We require our PCs to be quick and virus free.

Tip 5 – Learn with a Friend / Hire a Coach

This tip will depend to a degree on how we learn. Some of us like to have someone around to bounce ideas off or keep us motivated. There are different ways we can do this. We can join a Skype study group, post hands for evaluation on the forums, or hire a coach. This step won’t necessarily work for everyone, but it can produce good results in the majority of cases.

Keep reading for more ‘Poker Gyaan’ articles.


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If you don’t know this already, poker is much more of a strategy and observational skillset game than gambling. The consensus in the professional poker community agrees that the game is about 80 percent skill vs 20 percent luck. This figure should be the main motivation for anyone who wish to win either a tournament or a casual game with their friends to put their time and effort into studying the game and improving their skills. Read the article below to see a few tips that can increase your chances of winning.

Study, study and study

Some say that if you are spending more time at the game tables than reading about it or studying past games, then you are not dedicating enough. Ideally, you should read a few books and watch videos widely available by some of the best players in the world before you start playing real money games. By doing that you will have a huge advantage against your competitors, as most people learn mainly through experience and obviously, by losing.

If you are able to hire a poker coach, do it. Make sure they are comfortable playing at stakes above yours so you can actually learn something. For example, if you are playing at the $500 tournaments, hire someone who does well at the $1,000 ones. Remember that coaching requires a mutual connection, so if you see that you don’t work that well with a particular coach, hire another one.

Exercise and Sleep

Playing poker is more than a fun pastime or pure logical game. It requires endurance and focus at all times as the slightest mistake can make the whole difference in the table. Sleeping for seven to nine hours every day is essential if you know that you are playing the next day. It clears your mind and restores all your body systems.

How To Improve Your Poker Game

Getting is shape is also good for you, as games can often get dragged for over 12 hours, enabling only those at peak physical conditioning to always be at their best and make more money in the long run. You don’t need to push yourself too hard. Start slowly but make it part of your routine, this is the most important part of exercising. Eating well and avoiding alcohol and tobacco will rapidly improve your training results and reducing the odds of illnesses.

How To Improve My Poker Game

Practice other forms of Poker

This one is made especially for those who wish to play professional poker tournaments. Playing short handed (less than 6 people on the table) or heads-up (1 v. 1) variations is the best way for people to overcome their fears of playing “bad” hands.

How To Improve Your Poker Cash Game

This is made easy by playing pokies online real money Australia or anywhere else in the world. These online casinos have a huge community for both experienced and new players, and casinos en ligne francais or in any other language are widely available.

How To Improve My Poker Game

You should also play other variations besides the no-limit hold’em, as learning about other games will enable you to think out of the box regarding standard poker strategy. But this should only be a secondary source of knowledge, so always dedicate yourself to playing and studying your main game.