Sports Betting Record Keeping

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Do you keep records of your wins and losses from sports betting? Can you come up with a precise figure of how much you spend on betting every month? While most sports bettors shy away from the tiresome task of record-keeping, an accurate record of your betting activities is the first and one of the essential steps of betting wisely!

Whether you are a serious bettor or playing just for fun, keeping track of your results is the best way to avoid overspending and reflecting on your betting strategies. Consequently, an organized and well-kept record will prevent things from getting out of control and prevent damaging consequences.

Here are some fundamental points and know-how of effectively keeping a sports betting record and how you can use the information for a self-analysis.

Google Sheets Sports Betting Tracker. The sports betting tracker is also available on Google Sheets. While the features are the same as the Excel file, Google Sheets has some notable benefits. We firmly believe that even recreational sports bettors should keep accurate records of their betting activity. It’s just common sense. Without keeping track of things, it’s very. A sports bet tracker is the simple, but essential tool to maximizing your potential on the betting market. This useful, preforumulated Excel spreadsheet, will help you manage your wagers, by keeping track of. I really think this +7.5 are too many points for opening quarter no matter there is significant quality difference between these two sides. Yes, shity book, but +6.5 is widely available including bet365. You may use a basic ledger in which you handwrite your entries or some record keeping software such as Excel. Record Sports Betting Expenses. You’ll record any expenses associated with your.

What should you record for sports betting?

When it comes to keeping track of your betting activities, there are several points that you need to consider:

  • The game’s date, type of bet, and who you bet: Recording the game’s date is crucial for a proper analysis of trends. Further, if you are clueless about what type of bet you placed or who you placed it against, you have a tough time drawing any legitimate conclusion.
  • The amount you bet/deposits: If you don’t keep track of the amount of money you are staking, you will not know if you are up or down on individual bets or as a whole.
  • Profits and losses: Tracking your betting games’ overall results will provide you with a clear picture of how much you are losing or winning. If your records say that you are losing more than you had expected, you could cut back on your stakes. On the contrary, your records could help you figure out if putting in a bit more effort could make you more profitable.

These simple financial records give you a decent idea about your overall wins or losses. But they are not very useful for analysis and will not help you better your betting skills. So, if you want to do an in-depth analysis of your betting performance, you should keep a tab of more than just the essential information. In other words, you must keep track of every single wager that you’re placing.

Here’s a list of what you should record for each wager:

  • Your selection
  • Odds or spread that you get
  • Stake
  • The outcome of the wager
  • Payout
  • The profit/loss incurred.
  • How close you were to winning or losing

The above list included the essential and bare minimum things that you should record. You may want to keep track of some additional factors for a proper analysis of the records. Collecting the following information can help you make better decisions and rethink your gaming strategy:

  • How positive you were in your pick
  • Why you chose to pick that selection
  • Highlight any reason why you may have lost the bet

How should you record?

You have quite a few options when it comes to recording your betting activities:

  • Pencil and paper: For those uncomfortable with technology, you can use the traditional way of maintaining a hard copy of your records. But we do not recommend this method because you’d have no backup if you lose the record. Also, there is no way to proofread your mistakes.
  • Digital spreadsheets: The best and the most effective way to keep a record is to maintain a spreadsheet. It may be done in Microsoft Excel or similar software. The computer will do all your calculations flawlessly.
  • A lot of sports betting apps can keep a record for you. But they may not be very flexible.

What to do with the records?

With a truckload of betting records at your disposal, the next step is to analyze the data. Your analysis must provide answers to questions like:

  • What kinds of wager give the best/worst results?
  • Which sports produce the best/worst results?
  • What was the average stake on the winning bets?
  • What gives better results – betting on underdogs or favorites?
  • Are any selections favored too much or too little?

Sports betting can be tricky. The difference between a win and a loss can boil down to a single or even half a point. Consequently, getting slightly improved odds, better bankroll management, and overall increased win rates can help you make immense profits. The only way to maximize success is by consistently analyzing betting records. To do so, you must keep an honest record of your betting performance and update it regularly. It sounds tedious, but it is worth the hard work!

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Congratulations! You’ve had some success with online sports betting.

But before you spend, or save, that extra cash, there is one thing you need to keep in mind—taxes.

Sports Betting Record Keeping

The biggest question you have is most likely, “Do you pay taxes on online sports betting?”

Sports betting record keeping

Unless you’re a tax pro, chances are you could benefit from some guidance on sports betting come tax time.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through:

  1. How to figure out if you have to pay sports betting taxes
  2. How to keep records for your online sports betting
  3. How to report your winnings
  4. And more

Table of Contents

How To Know if You Have to Pay Sports Betting Taxes

This will strictly vary from country to country—there is no catch-all law for reporting betting taxes, unfortunately.

In countries where it is legal, like the United States, there are still many different rules and regulations both for bettors and online sports betting sites and apps.

Sometimes betting establishments, like casinos, legally have to pay tax on their profits.

In some cases, the bettor must also pay tax on their winnings.

Taxes can vary greatly—and it all depends on how you file and how much your “gambling income” is.

Because ZenSports is not a tax agency, you will need to check your local tax laws to find out if you have to pay sports betting taxes.

Is Sports Betting Tax-Free?

Typically, sports betting is not tax-free.

However, it does depend on your total winnings and where you are betting from.

There are a number of countries where gambling is legal but only the casinos and bookies pay taxes, which means you wouldn’t be taxed on your winnings.

A few of these countries include:

  1. Austria
  2. Australia
  3. Belgium
  4. Canada
  5. Italy
  6. Germany
  7. Romania
  8. The UK
  9. Denmark

Certain countries require casino operators to pay license fees in addition to taxes on gambling, but the exact numbers they’re required to pay will vary from state to state.

For example, states can choose to base their gambling taxes on:

  • Turnover
  • Net profit
  • Player loss

However, in the United States, bettors are required to pay taxes on all of their sports betting winnings.

So, whether or not you receive a W-2G, the income you “earned” is required to be reported on your income tax return.

In the US, reportable gaming income includes:

  • All sportsbook winnings
  • Horse or dog racing
  • Bingo winnings
  • Lottery winnings
  • Sweepstakes
  • Game shows
  • Raffle ticket winnings
  • Prize winnings
  • Gross winnings from all types of casino games

Because the laws vary so drastically from country to country, it’s best to play it safe and consult a tax professional.

Does an Offshore Account Exempt You From Paying Sports Gambling Taxes?

It’s common for bettors to think that if they’re holding funds in an offshore account in an online gambling site, that the money is not yet considered taxable.

However, in the United States, the IRS has stated that citizens “…are taxed on income that is available to you, regardless of whether or not it is in your possession.”

This means that while you could argue that the money in your offshore betting account isn’t readily available or “in your possession”, you are still able to access the money to place bets and continue earning profits and therefore are required to pay taxes on it.

Because offshore accounts are still visible to federal tax agencies, they should never be used as a way to shelter money from taxes.

But remember, this is just the case in the United States.

If you are placing bets and paying taxes in another country, you will likely face different tax regulations regarding sports gambling taxes.

Online Betting Taxes: Keeping Records for Tax Time

Just like laws vary for reporting and recording your gambling wins and losses, there are a handful of countries that require no gambling tax for online sports betting.

A few of these include:

  • The United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Ireland
  • Malta

In the UK, players do not pay taxes on their online sports betting winnings. Instead, gambling sites pay a 15% levy on their earnings.

Still, for countries who do require you to keep a record of your winnings, keeping track could be migraine-inducing.

Lucky for you, ZenSports uses cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, which makes tracking all of your bets—and winnings— quick and easy.

Tracking Wins and Losses

Sports Betting Record Keeping Rules

The requirements of how you must track your wins and losses can vary depending on the country.

Let’s take a look at how the United States requires you to keep a record of your betting results:

American bettors need to keep a diary or log of both their winnings and losses. The diary would need to contain the following:

  • The amounts won or lost
  • The date and type of specific wager
  • Name and address of the gaming establishment

The IRS recommends that bettors keep other supporting documentation, including:

  • Bank statements (to substantiate an ATM withdrawal)
  • Credit card statements
  • Voided lottery and/or gaming tickets
  • Racing schedules

Additionally, it’s important for bettors in the United States to record their wins and losses in the appropriate sections and not to record their net profits in the “Other Income” line.

Can You Write Off Losses on Your Tax Return?

Assuming we’re still looking at American bettors, the answer would be yes.

The losses are reported as an itemized deduction,which is reported under Schedule A.

However, every country is different and whether or not you can write off your losses will depend on the tax laws.

Can You Get in Trouble for Not Reporting Wins and Losses?

Fraudulent tax returns are illegal almost everywhere.

We always recommend that you follow applicable laws where you live and bet.

How to Report Sports Gambling Winnings

Just like whether you need to pay taxes on your online sports bet winnings, how to report them also varies greatly depending on your location.

For peace of mind and to maximize reporting and filing properly, we recommend consulting a tax professional on how to report sports gambling winnings.

If you feel confident, you could also research your own country or state’s specific tax laws yourself and follow those steps.

One thing that is, for the most part, common across the board is that your taxes on online sports betting will vary depending on if you file as a professional gambler or if you file as a recreational gambler.

Keepreading to see what the difference is and how it can affect your potential taxes.

Taxes on Online Sports Betting as a Hobby

Chances are, the vast majority of gamblers will be filing as recreational gamblers or those who bet as a hobby.

But ultimately, the percentage you will be taxed, if you are taxed at all, as a recreational bettor largely differs depending on your country.

Taxes on Online Sports Betting as a Professional Bettor

The rules and reporting methods for professional gamers are typically different than those who bet as a hobby or pastime.

However, in some countries, like Italy, the online betting tax structure is based on profit.

The tax rate is 20% for…

  • Games of skill (including poker tournaments)
  • Casino games
  • Card games (including poker)
  • Bingo

…while the rate increases slightly to 22% for sports betting.

However, some countries may view professional gamblers as being engaged in business and require them to report their gambling income differently.


In the United States, for example, those who file as professional bettors can net their wins and losses for the year.

However, professional bettors will need to prove their status as a professional.

The IRS will look at and take into consideration:

  • The adequacy of accounting and record-keeping
  • The expertise of the gambler
  • The years of betting experience
  • The time and effort expended in carrying on the activity
  • The overall success
  • The history of losses with respect to the activity

Consult your country’s tax laws to be sure if there are any different requirements for filing or reporting your online sports betting winnings as a professional versus recreational bettor.

What is ZenSports?

ZenSports is a decentralized, peer-to-peer platform where anyone can create and accept bets with anyone in the world.

The twist?There is no need for a centralized bookmaker.

We operate using a trust-less system that lets the marketplace settle bet results and disputes.

We also offer reduced betting fees compared to traditional bookmakers.

And, when you choose ZenSports for your online sports betting, you can deposit funds instantly using either cryptocurrencies or fiat.

Tracking Your Online Betting Taxes With ZenSports


Since recording your wins and losses is a big part of paying your taxes on online sports betting, it’s worth doing right.

Luckily, there is a super simple way to bet and keep track of your wins and losses: ZenSports SPORTS tokens.

When you place bets with SPORTS, you will:

  • Pay discounted betting fees.
  • Get cashback for reaching certain betting volumes
  • Earn bonuses for performing other actions.

You’re also able to deposit and withdraw SPORTS to and from your ICONex wallet whenever you want.

When you deposit funds into ZenSports, using either Bitcoin or USD, you can then choose to exchange those funds into SPORTS via our Exchange feature.

You can use ZenSports’ SPORTS utility token to:

  • Place bets
  • Qualify for awesome discounts
  • Redeem cashback rewards
  • Score bonuses
  • Other perks

Some of our promotions and bonuses that are available when you bet using SPORTS tokens are:

Sports Betting Record Keeping Record

  • Lower betting feesTypically, the standard betting fees in ZenSports are 2.5% as the Maker and 5% as the Taker. But, when you bet in SPORTS tokens, you’ll benefit from 1% as the Maker and 2.5% as the Taker.
  • Lower dispute escrow fees The standard dispute escrow fees in ZenSports are 10% as the Maker and 5% as the Taker. When you bet using SPORTS tokens, only a 5% dispute escrow fee will be withheld as the Maker and only a 2.5% dispute escrow fee as the Taker. Say hey to major savings!

Sports Betting Record Keeping Spreadsheet

Cashback bonuses — When your betting volume reaches a certain tier, you can qualify for cashback.