What Does Limp Mean In Poker

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he has a limp dick hence he is unableto fuck his wife
  1. Flatting In Poker
  2. What Does Limp Mode Mean
  3. What Does Limps Mean
  4. What Does It Mean To Limp In Poker
What is limp in poker

To call the minimum amount required in the first round of betting in order to establish or maintain a stake in the pot; to call the blind or the bring in without raising. EXAMPLE: 'I had a decent hand, but I decided just to limp in in order to trap my opponents. What does limp mean in poker? What is the definition of the term ' limp in' as it applies to the game of poker? If somebody calls pre-flop instead of raising or folding, they are said to have 'limped in' to the pot. So what does a limp reraise usually mean in poker? Well, quite frankly it is often a very strong hand such as AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AK or AQ. And it really doesn't matter what the player type is to be honest. When I see somebody limp reraise it is almost always this extremely narrow range.

Flatting In Poker

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a spanish word meaning the flipflop
used by latin moms to beat their child's ass
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Anything that is considered lame or weak. Something that may have been a dissapointment.
by Riz February 23, 2004
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A word that describes something unfavourable, dissapointing or unexpectedin a bad way
Joe: Dude i cant make it to this crazy party tonight!
Ryan: LIMP! It was going to be wazza!
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LOL in my Pants. Originates from the Isle of Man and is generally used to describe anything that is funny.
'Hey did you see Greatest Freak Out Ever 8 last night?'
'Yeah, it made me LIMP!'
What Does Limp Mean In Poker
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Let us learn what does limp mean.

Poker limp definition- in poker to limp is to bet the minimum amount needed to stay in hand. Limping in poker is usually used when the little blind calls the big blind rather than raising. This is also called flat call, limp in, or calling the blind.

In open limp, the first player that enters the pot preflop bets the amount of the big blind, that is the minimum bet. Under the gun, the position is where there are most chances of open limp to see how the rest of the players on the table will play their hand.

Limping Poker is often considered as passive or weak play and is commonly seen among the rookie poker players and not the experienced players, who just prefer to open the game with a raise when they have a hand they wish to play.

Small Blind Limp

Let’s give you an example of the small blind limp- being dealt in 8-9 off suit when in the small blind. The rest of the players before you will fold their cards only the nig blind, and you will have the hand if you limp in. You will have to place a minimum bet in the hope that big blind will check and you will get to see a cheap flop.

When you limp in from small blind, there is a risk that the big blind will raise, and then you will have to make a decision whether to match or see the flop. This is, however, a cheap investment because you already had to bet half amount of the big blind if you folded rather than limping in.

In case you have a strong hand in the starting when there is the small blind, limping would be a weak and passive move. But if big blind raises, you will get a choice to sweeten the pot and reraise. But in this case, also you must have a strong hand, like A-A.

Small blind limp with a strong hand can prove to be tactic when used against an aggressive player with the big blind.

Open Limp

What Does Limp Mode Mean

Take an example of open limp- the player who is under the gum and first action preflop. The minimum bet of the big blind is $10, and you place the bet. The action proceeds, and other players get a chance to raise, call, or fold. In case every player on the table folds, the big blind checks then there will be just you two in the pot, along with $5 from the small blind, who folded.

What Does Limps Mean

Often one player in the above scenario will raise the bet. Then you will have the choice to call, fold, or raise. If you are not prepared to defend the hand or call the raise, you will end up wasting chips by limping in.

What Does It Mean To Limp In Poker

Limping poker is often considered as beginners’ move and weak play. If you are prepared to call a raise, use it as a tactic.